Understanding the Kundalini

Today again we are back together and I bow to you all who are the seekers of truth. Yesterday it was the introduction of Sahaja Yoga in which I explained to you what is the truth. A gentleman yesterday raised three, four questions regarding Kundalini. As I told you that …

Establish the dignity of your children

Please enjoy the following Sahaja Yoga talk by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi which took place on the 27th March 1981 in Sydney. You must protect the people who are your subordinates, who are dependent on you, your children. Like, it’s a very common thing to insult your children from their …

Self-realisation with Shri Mataji

If you have not already experienced the awakening of the kundalini, also called Self-realisation in Sahaja Yoga, then this is your opportunity to do so online. So actually first thing that happens to you that your thought stops when the kundalini crosses Agnya and when you feel this cool breeze …

Vishuddhi chakra – centre of collective consciousness

Please enjoy the following talk in which Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, foundre of Sahaja Yoga,  explains about the Vishuddhi chakra, which is situated in the area of the throat.  By attending a Sahaja Yoga centre near you, you can fin dout more about this and other centres. So now the …

What happens after Self-realisation

Please enjoy the following Sahaja Yoga talk in which Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi talks about the benefits of Sahaja Yoga. I was surprised that in a far-fetched place like Russia we have to always take a stadium, you can’t do it in this hall, you cannot manage, I think. How …

What happens after Self-realisation

Please enjoy the following talk in which Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga, talks about the benefits of practising Sahaja Yoga. It’s not something miraculous I think. If you see our evolution from what stage to what stage to what stage. Now at a human stage what do …