The knowledge of your inner being

Please enjoy the following Sahaja Yoga meditation talk in which Shri Mataji describes how you become a more subtle person when you get your Self-realisation.  The talk was held at a public programme in Vienna, on the 19th July 1994. When this kundalini rises, and she pierces through the sixth …

The key to the absolute truth

Please enjoy the following video in which Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga, explains how we can connect with our true Self. This public program talk is dubbed into German and was held on the 19th July 1994 in Vienna, Austria. I bow to all the seekers of …

The thousand petalled lotus, the Sahasrara chakra

Please enjoy the following Sahaja Yoga talk about the Sahasrara chakra, the thousand petalled lotus. Today is the last day and the last center which is the Sahasrara, is the integration, integration of your being, of physical, mental, emotional being, it takes place. Is integration of all the deities, of …

Heart and throat centres

Please enjoy the following Sahaja yoga meditation talk in which Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga, talks about the heart and throat centres. Now with the another chakra on top, that is one – as he has told the diseases, I’m telling you the positive side of it …

What happens when the Nabhi chakra opens

Please enjoy the following Sahaja Yoga talk in which Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation talks about the qualities of the third chakra the Nabhi chakra, the centre of satisfaction and evolution and also recalls situations from her life which relate to this centre. You are amazed …

Right and Left Heart energy centres

Please enjoy the following Sahaja Yoga meditation talk by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi about the left and right Heart chakras.  These centres are very important for establishing one’s security.  You can find out how by attending a Sahaja Yoga meditation centre near you. Now we have on the right hand …