Experiment with Truth – Heart chakra, Seat of the Spirit

Part 5 of 8: Heart Chakra, Seat of the Spirit (Love, Inner Security) Please enjoy the following Sahaja Yoga Video, from the series Experiment with truth. This program is about the Heart chakra.

Your Spirit is to be achieved in this life

This is what my father told me, that you have to find out an en masse method, method by which you give realization to many people so that they see that there is something beyond. They are all standing on the first floor. If you are gone on the tenth …

The powers of a realised soul

Now what are the powers of a person who is born again? First of all, such a person is a tranquil, peaceful person; he becomes automatically righteous, automatically. I don’t have to tell you, “Don’t do this and don’t do that.” That’s finished now with Moses. No more of that. …

The knowledge of our Roots

I bow to all the seekers of truth. Just now, Albert has very clearly described to you the mechanism that is within us which works out our Self-realization. There is a mechanism, no doubt. When we are in this room we see so many lights and there is a mechanism …

Understanding the Kundalini

Today again we are back together and I bow to you all who are the seekers of truth. Yesterday it was the introduction of Sahaja Yoga in which I explained to you what is the truth. A gentleman yesterday raised three, four questions regarding Kundalini. As I told you that …

The fragrance of Laxshmi

Please enjoy the following Sahaja Yoga talk, in which Shri Mataji talks about the prinicple of the Nabhi chakra which has the quality of peacefulness, generosity and satisfaction. Through Sahaja Yoga meditation it is possible to establish these qualities within oneself. Now this Gruhalaxshmi’s centre is on the left-hand side, …