Experiment with Truth – Heart chakra, Seat of the Spirit

Part 5 of 8: Heart Chakra, Seat of the Spirit (Love, Inner Security) Please enjoy the following Sahaja Yoga Video, from the series Experiment with truth. This program is about the Heart chakra.

Experiment with Truth – Mooladhara Chakra, Wisdom and Innocence

Part 3 of 8: Mooladhara, Support of the Root (Center of Wisdom and Innocence) Please enjoy the following episode from the Experiment with truth series. In this episode you will find out about the root chakra, or Mooladhara chakra as it is known in Sahaja Yoga meditation. This centre has …

Experiment with Truth – Vishuddhi Chakra, Key to Detachment (Witness State)

Part 6 of 8: Vishuddhi Chakra, Key to Detachment (Witness State) Please enjoy the following episode of the Experiment with truth series about Sahaja Yoga meditation. This one is about the throat chakra, known as the Vishuddhi chakra in Sahaja Yoga.

Experiment with Truth – Prepare for your Kundalini wakening

Part 1 of 8: Prepare for Kundalini Awakening (Self Realization – Second Birth) Please enjoy the following Sahaja Yoga video in which you are prepared for the experience of Self-realisation. The actual Self-realisation experience occurs in a later Sahaja Yoga video, also to be made available on this site.

Experiment with Truth – Agnya Chakra, Door of Forgiveness

Part 7 of 8: Agnya Chakra, Door of Forgiveness (Mental Silence)  Please enjoy the following video, which will help you to cleanse your Agnya chakra, or Third Eye, the centre of forgiveness within us, situated in the middle of the head. This video contains beautiful images combined with meditative music …

Experiment with Truth – Sahasrara chakra

Part 8 of 8: Sahasrara Chakra: (Kingdom of God, Union with the Divine) Please enjoy the final episode of Experiment with Truth in which the experience of the Sahasrara chakra is deepened through Sahaja Yoga practises.  Sahaja Yoga meditation is a state which occurs once the kundalini has crossed the …